Deb Kresto Citrus 4 Litre
Deb Kresto Citrus is a powerful citrus hand cleanser which contains Deb’s unique patented combination of orange oil extracts and cornmeal hand scrub. Its powerful and versatile action effectively removes a wide range of deeply ingrained and difficult to remove soilings, for example tar, inks, bitumen, many adhesives, most oil bases paints, oil, grease and grime. It contains natural, non-abrasive and biodegradable cornmeal scrubbers to give a deep clean without damaging the skin or harming the environment. With a natural fresh orange scent it leaves the skin smelling fresh whilst still keeping it conditioned. This formula helps to prevent water loss from the skin as it contains refined lanolin derivative, a super fatting conditioner which helps the skin replace any moisture which has been lost whilst working. This leaves your hands feeling soft and supple after use. Its fast action also works quickly and easily rinsing away and leaving no residue on your skin.
There are many benefits of using this Kresto Citrus Hand Scrub;
• Produces no waste and helps to reduce costs
• Leaves the skin feeling soft and supple after use
• Fresh orange fragrance
• It helps to prevent water loss from the skin
• Rapidly and effectively removes a wide range of soilings
This hand scrub is suitable for many business sectors and environments such as;
• Hotels and hospitality
• Public houses
• Schools & Colleges
• Office and business parks
• Shopping centres
• Garages
• Warehouses
• Industrial Services
These lie amongst a variety of hand washing products which CPD can supply to you today at
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